Saturday, May 19, 2012

Coming to an end of bike to work week, I was able to ride all five work days to my place of employment. I usually work something like 10 to 7, so I only rarely saw fellow bicycle commuters. Although I did meet one on Friday, since I left work early.  We were both waiting to use the cross-walk on a busy intersection that is absolutely abysmal- almost entirely untenable for bicycles. 

I also participated in the local Ride of Silence Wednesday evening. I was the only person there who was not in full tilt road-bicycle gear-  and probably the only person on a bike with less than 20 speeds. At least I was pretty silent. No clicking in or out, no derailuers clattering. Just soft clicks from the Nexus 3 hub. I still make freewheel noise, mind you.  :

I'm also currently caught playing saddle roulette with Zwartehond, the Azor / Workcycles Kruisframe.  Zwartehond is probably just a smidge too big for me. With the seatpost all the way down, I have a just a little too much over-the-top whip on my pedal stroke - with the Brooks B67 fitted.  When I fit the Selle An Atomica Titanico X,  which is about 3cm shorter, everything feels great- But the Titanico really isn't such a good sit up and beg saddle. The stock micro-adjust seatpost I've noticed has quite a bit of height taken up with the mechanism. The B67 has so much height taken up with the springs..

So I hypothesized that a classic seatpost, when coupled with a Brooks B72 and old style seat clamp ought to come out at the same height as the Titanico- and still afford me with some spring suspension.

I can save the B67 for... the Flying Pigeon PA-02 that I just ordered from Flying Pigeon LA.   Why did I order a Flying Pigeon?  I wanted a bike that would let me do some more mechanics on, and particularly old mechanics.  That and vintage Raleighs are all but impossible to find out my way.  So I'm sure that will be an adventure. But that's what we all want from cycling right?

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