Thursday, May 10, 2012

Felt Cafe3 and Flowers
I had a nice riding day, just warm enough to get only the mildest of sweats going while biking, and cooling off quickly when stopped.  Lunch on a grassy hillside with the Felt. A coworker asked me where my new bike, the Azor was.  It was a Felt Cafe3 type of day. Hills that once left me breathless, were forgotten ten seconds after I crested them.

So I guess the Felt Cafe 3 was so down-market that it did not warrant the availability of a rack for it. However my bike shop was able to get the rack from the Felt Verza.  The only downside of this, was that it was paint matched to that model year of Verza, with a very yellow-ish cream color.  About a month and a half ago, I finally went nuts, and attacked the rack with sanding blocks, emery sticks, sand paper, and a wire-brush wheel chucked to a drill.  After about five hours of effort I was rewarded with a mostly paintless shiny aluminum rack. Definitely a better look.

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