Saturday, June 30, 2012

Commuting by Pigeon

Me to my Flying Pigeon: Feige, can you take me to work today?
Feige: Sure.
Me: Oh hey, there is a deer, let's stop and take a photo of it.

Really, it wasn't too bad of a ride. Perhaps the only fault of the stock Pigeon, is the extremely high gearing, which makes it a bit hard to get going, or to get up the one steep 30% grade hill, that is on my route. Once you get going though, up to 10 or so mph, it is nice and easy. I'm researching various gearing options. That and some new tyres and tubes. Otherwise the Pigeon is fine, I had to go back down that grade at a walking pace, to make sure the rod brakes could keep up. That's when I saw the deer. Full stop and take out the camera.
It's tremendously fun to have a "project" bike. Every little thing that needs a fix, or dissasembly for examination or upgrade - leaves me more saavy.

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