Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Near miss venting.

Maybe I should've gone after her, yelled at her or something. Stupid lady in her minivan turning oncoming in front of me, just so she could get to her freaking parking spot at Target.  

I was fine, no contact was made, but it was disconcerting. I was commuting home on the Flying Pigeon when it happened. I had a light on.  I was doing everything right, yet still nearly got hit because of a stupid self important driver.

The rod brakes on the Pigeon aren't bad, but they're still  less effective than a coaster or good caliper brakes, I nailed them hard as I decelerated and though they're fine when I'm using them to modulate my speed, they seem to lack a little bit for panic stopping because of stupid drivers.   Might be time to rebuild the rear wheel around a coaster brake.

1 comment:

  1. I know my rod brakes are not the best but amazing bicycle.
